July 30, 2023

Faithspotting "Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie"


Mike and Kenny discuss and spot faith in the biography film "Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie."  Directed by Davis Guggenheim and available for streaming on Apple tv+, "Still" presents Michael J. Fox's journey into acting, and at 29, his journey...

Mike and Kenny discuss and spot faith in the biography film "Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie."  Directed by Davis Guggenheim and available for streaming on Apple tv+, "Still" presents Michael J. Fox's journey into acting, and at 29, his journey into early onset Parkinsons disease.  

Faith Spotted: 

The reality that earthly treasures, in this instance health, are vulnerable and can be lost or stolen. Matthew 6  Similarly the parable of the rich fool. Luke 12

Job Suffering for seemingly random reasons, and maintaining care and being open to God's presence and maintaining one's relationship with God.  Also in lament Psalms.

Theological Half Truths, as labled by Rev. Adam Hamilton, Sr, Pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. In this circumstance, "God doesn't give us more than we can bear." Rather than passing out struggles, depending on ones strength, God supports, sustains, and loves us in the midst of our struggles that are a part of living in a broken world. God sustains directly as well as through support of others.  Similar experience in questions of theodicy, the answer to questions regarding a God of love allowing bad things to occur or to occur to righteous persons. 

Romans 8 In all things God works for Good for those who love God.