Oct. 1, 2020

Faithspotting "Tenet" Part 2


Back to the Theater, Church, and Communal Experience.

Mike and Kenny discuss the experience of going back to the theater for the first time in 8 months to watch the Christopher Nolan film Tenet.

While viewing films, and church services via streaming or television offers ways to view films, shows, as well as to worship, they lack the benefits of a truly communal experience. Whether hearing the reactions of others in the theater or having conversations before or after the show, or experiencing the love, communion and connection of fellowship with other disciples, participation within community allows a fullness of the experience that cannot be replicated alone.

The Christian Church is referred to as the Body of Christ and as a body, is designed to be connected working in concert with other parts of the body. 

This reality is also a reason for faith communities to always be looking for ways to minister those who are unable to participate in the events of a faith community.

Scriptural Calls to Worship:

Psalm 95, 96, 100, 132,

Acts 2 

1 Corinthians 14: 26-28